7 Signs You’re NOT Ready for Marriage!

If you are really struggling with any of the seven things that I’m going to talk about in this story, you may not be ready for marriage. The divorce rate in the US is currently…

Abdullah Kalf - Editor
10 min readJul 23, 2020
Image By NGDPhotoworks ob Pixabay

If you are really struggling with any of the seven things that I’m going to talk about in this story, you may not be ready for marriage. The divorce rate in the US is currently somewhere between 50 and 60 percent for first marriages, somewhere around 70 percent for second marriages and somewhere close to 90 percent for third marriages which lets me know that we are not doing a good enough job preparing people for marriage so here are seven signs that you may not be as ready for marriage as you think. Abdullah Khalaf

The first is if you struggle with dependence and what I mean here is the Bible says that you should leave your father and mother and cleave unto your spouse and the two shall become one which means that you are no longer two individual independent people just doing whatever it is you want to do without giving any regard for what the other person wants. You have to merge, you have to come together and work as a team whenever you are married if you want a good marriage. That is what it means when it says the two shall become one. Now, what does this…



Abdullah Kalf - Editor

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