“My Story” How to save a $100,000 Making Less Than 40K A Year!

You are trying to save your money? Well, here I will show you how I went from zero to a $100,000 investment bank account along with my expectations vs. reality, how long did this take? how much did I have to save month-over-month? along with all these little fun tips on hopefully helping you on your own financial journey!

Abdullah Kalf - Editor
7 min readJul 23, 2020
Image By TheDigitalWay on Pixabay

In this story, I am going to go over my entire journey to getting to $100,000 and to kind of make this as relatable as possible to hopefully get you understanding that you can do this as well. I have never made more than $40,000 a year so I want you to keep that in mind as we go forward because I do work for myself, I end up having a lot more expenses including cars and work materials and I have to pay tax on top of that so I’ve never really made much more than minimum wage so let’s step back in time. let’s go all the way back before we jump the gun here and get too far forward.

When I was 19 years old, I took out a twenty-two thousand dollar loan to start my business instead of going to school and getting a degree or an education and in my personal opinion, this was one of my biggest…



Abdullah Kalf - Editor

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